The Regina Acting Collective
The Regina Acting Collective is a group designed to provide an outlet for actors and actresses to practice their craft for the purpose of professional acting in film and television productions.
The Regina Acting Collective was founded by Jared Feuring in 2022 as a free resource for the betterment of actors in the Regina film community. The lack of opportunities to practice acting is what drove the creation of the group. For years our local actors have gotten the majority of their experience “on the job”, so to speak. Participating in productions where their first time acting was in front of the camera.
Our goal is to refine acting ability and to create opportunities in film and television for our small, but growing professional acting community. To allow actors to experience different genres and scenarios in a comfortable, low pressure environment with other like-minded individuals.
In 2023 we opened up the group to directors, producers, casting agents and other members of the film community to break down the barriers between roles on sets and behind film production. Give directors more chances to direct and converse with actors and vice versa, give actors a less formal opportunity to interact with writers/directors and other members of the community.
What you need to know
Who is the acting collective for?
The Regina Acting Collective is designed for the individual already working in the film and television industry in Regina. Experience is not necessary, but an asset. At this time the acting collective is aimed for adults (18+), but please contact us regarding youth participation.
I’ve never acted before. Can I attend?
Yes! However, the acting collective is for people looking to be actively cast in short films, features and television. If you just want to try acting to see what it’s like, the acting collective may not be for you. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us!
When does the acting collective run?
The acting collective runs on Sundays at 3PM. It runs for approximately an hour and a half. If you need to leave early or arrive late, please let us know. Showing up habitually late is not allowed and is grounds for dismissal from participation. Please respect the other participants.
What does it cost?
The acting collective is designed to be a helpful free resource for the Regina community. All we ask is that you respect the rules of the group (timeliness, sign up, respect your fellow members).
How do I participate?
Below is a sign up form. Please sign up and provide the date which you are planning to attend. The acting collective will always run on Sundays at 3PM, simply refer to the calendar for dates. If you sign up and then can not attend, please let us know. Repeat no-shows will result in dismissal from participation. You MUST SIGN UP TO ATTEND EACH PRACTICE! This will help give us an idea of what scenes to prepare for the group.
I’m a director/producer/cinematographer/writer/casting director interested in sitting in on a practice. Can I?
Absolutely! We encourage the participation and presence of multiple levels of filmmaking. If you’d like to observe the practice please state so in the sign up sheet below. If you’d like to participate in a director capacity or practice filming a session as a camera operator/ cinematographer or other position, please contact us!
Where can I find out more about the group?
Our Official Facebook Group is where you can find out any immediate updates, cancellations, casting calls, etc. Please join as only key updates will be added to this page.
Where does it take place?
As this is a free community group, practices takes place primarily in the Regina Public Library event rooms. For specifics please refer to our Official Facebook Group.
The Acting Collective is currently discontinued. For more information please use our contact page.
The short film “Multi(Un)Talented” is the direct result of a collaboration formed in the Regina Acting Collective in 2022 by writers/actors Jared Feuring & Brent Gelsinger and director Sammy Flamont.
“You don’t show up to the practice, you don’t get the fight.”
Jared Feuring talking with director/cinematographer Kyler Wilton on the set of “Jared Feuring Vs…” filmed on location at Legacy Martial Arts & Fitness.